Houston Psychology & Wellness: The Approach

I take an active and collaborative approach to the therapy process.

What does that mean?

 My role as a therapist is best described as a guide and consultant. I'm not your "sit back and nod" therapist. I'm pretty transparent with clients and I like to take the "mystery" out of therapy.  There really is no mystery. It's just two people,  one of whom is highly trained to listen with an astute ear, sifting through the "data" that makes up a person's "life stuff." We will uncover core beliefs that may or may not be true. Release you from past hurts or unhealthy patterns.  And together we will find a new way of being that actualizes and honors your authentic self.

Here are the therapy perspectives I draw from: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonal.

Research has shown that the key to successful therapy is the clinician-client relationship. I take this super seriously.

If any of the following feel true  - I'm the psychologist for you.
